8 reasons why you should be eating bananas every day!

8 reasons why you should be eating bananas every day!

8 reasons why you should be eating bananas every day!

Everyone knows that bananas are great, but did you know there are so many benefits to eating them regularly? Bananas have been grown and eaten since the time of Alexander the Great, and now they’re one of the most popular fruits in the world! They’re easy to find at any grocery store, affordable, and delicious (that’s why bananas have been voted the best-tasting fruit by Americans)! If you haven’t started eating bananas every day yet, here are 8 reasons why you should be eating them every day!

1) Bananas Are an All-Natural Energy Booster

Bananas have been shown to naturally increase energy. For example, in one study, students who ate two bananas before taking a math test scored 20% higher than those who didn’t eat bananas. Bananas Boost Your Immune System: Bananas are full of vitamin C, which strengthens your immune system and helps fight off illness. B-6 and manganese found in bananas also help your body fight infection. Bananas Improve Blood Sugar Levels: According to a report from Harvard University, there is evidence that regularly consuming foods high in magnesium improves blood sugar levels and helps prevent type 2 diabetes.

2) Bananas contain Vitamin B6 and Potassium

Bananas are a great source of vitamin B6 and potassium. Vitamin B6 is good for helping your body produce more energy, while potassium helps your muscles contract properly. You can also use vitamin B6 to help support a healthy mood and combat depression, as well as help prevent cancer or osteoporosis. Bananas are also full of fiber and resistant starch, both of which help maintain digestive health and even encourage weight loss when eaten regularly.

3) Bananas Are Packed With Anti-Inflammatory Agents

Bananas are loaded with compounds called flavonoids, which help soothe inflammation throughout your body. For a daily dose of anti-inflammatory power, make sure to include at least one banana in your diet every day. 

8 reasons why you should be eating bananas every day!

Bananas Can Provide Some Serious Heart Protection: Bananas contain large amounts of potassium, which is necessary for heart health and helps maintain proper blood pressure levels. Eating bananas regularly can provide some serious protection against cardiovascular diseases like stroke and heart attack. Have An On-The-Go Breakfast?

4) Bananas Keep You Hydrated

If you’re active, it’s important to keep yourself hydrated. Bananas are a good source of potassium, which helps your body retain water. This will keep dehydration away, improving your athletic performance and recovery time after exercise. Potassium also keeps blood pressure levels steady and regulates muscle function. It can also reduce fatigue by maintaining a healthy balance of electrolytes in your body fluids; when they get out of whack (aka when we’re dehydrated), so do our muscles, as well as our moods. If nothing else, it’s easy to grab a banana before or after exercise—so keep some in your gym bag for refueling after your workout!

5) Bananas Can Prevent Anemia

Bananas can provide our bodies with a wide range of health benefits. They contain numerous vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C, B6, thiamin, and folate. 

8 reasons why you should be eating bananas every day!

Bananas are also rich in potassium which helps prevent anemia because it works to transport oxygen through your body. Additionally, bananas can help boost your immune system by protecting you from getting sick.

6) Bananas Help Protect Against Heart Disease

Bananas are rich in soluble fiber, which has been shown to reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in people with heart disease. They also have a very low glycemic index and are slow to digest—both of which may help protect against heart disease by stabilizing blood sugar levels. In fact, one study found that women who ate just under one banana a day had a 32% lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease over 15 years than those who ate fewer servings of bananas. A good diet is critical for anyone’s health and cardiovascular function, so add some healthy fruit like bananas to your diet today!

7) Bananas Keep Cancer at Bay

According to a study at Louisiana State University, people who ate just one banana per day had significantly reduced their risk of colorectal cancer by 40 percent. This is due to bananas’ high content of fiber, which helps remove toxic substances from your body before they can cause any damage. 

8 reasons why you should be eating bananas every day!

Bananas are also an excellent source of potassium, which is important for regulating blood pressure and has been linked to lower rates of colon cancer. People with diabetes often suffer from nerve damage in their hands and feet—bananas contain vitamin B6, which fights off peripheral neuropathy caused by vitamin B deficiency. The same vitamin has also been shown to slow down the degeneration of mental function in elderly adults suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

8) Bananas Are Rich in Antioxidants

Antioxidants are beneficial to our health because they prevent oxidation, a process in which free radicals break down and damage cells. The body naturally produces antioxidants to protect itself from oxidative stress, but sometimes not enough is produced, resulting in an excessive free radical activity. This can cause chronic inflammation and other serious health problems, including heart disease and cancer. To get your daily dose of antioxidants, add some nutrient-rich foods to your diet like potassium-rich bananas. Learn more about all of the banana’s nutritional benefits here.

Jawwad Jalal

Blogger, Writer, English Teacher, YouTuber, Content Creator.

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