How to See Posts You've Liked on Instagram 2022

how to see posts you've liked on instagram 2022

This is a world of technology; this is a world of social media. When one talks about social media how could he not include Instagram in his list? 

Instagram is a picture-sharing platform where users share their routines, activities, and picnic & party pictures to let their friends and family know of their daily/weekly/monthly activities.

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms which people love to use. In 2022, around 1.28 billion users use Instagram from around the world, which is expected to rise by 1.44 billion by 2025 which is a huge number.

Instagram is only available for individual users but is also really helpful for business persons. Instagram offers a quite unique account which is called a Business Account of Instagram.

In business accounts, there are a lot more options available for users. They can deep dig into their insights to monitor their progress.

There are millions of users in different parts of the world who are using Instagram for promoting their products and services and selling them online and earning revenue with online sales.

How to see liked posts on Instagram in 2022

Recently, Instagram has made some changes to its navigation menus. A few months before the users who wanted to see their liked posts had to go through the 'settings' option. But now that method doesn't work anymore. 

The new method will be guided to you in this article with the help of pictures that we have posted for your ease.

Let's have a look at how we can see liked posts on Instagram in 2022.

  • First of all open your account and click these three lines.

instagram menu

  • Click 'Your activity'.

activity option in instagram

  • Click on 'Interactions'.

interactions option instagram

  • Click on 'Likes'.

liked posts in instagram 2022

Here you will see all your liked posts which you have liked over the period of time on Instagram in 2022.

Liked posts instagram

Hope you find this helpful!

Still, having problems? No issues, watch the same tutorial in this video!

R E A D  M O R E

Different Features of Instagram

Instagram comes with different features and discussing all those features in a single blog post seems impossible. So, we will discuss a few prominent features of Instagram here in this post.

Since business accounts on Instagram have far more features, so we are going to discuss here a few business accounts.

Professional Dashboard

professional dashboard instagram

A professional dashboard allows you to monitor the insights of your business account. Users can monitor their content reach, and engagement from different angles like demographically, gender-wise, age-wise, etc.

Account Insights

Account Insights let users monitor the reach of their content in a specified period of time. It can further deep dig down by clicking the see all option for a detailed insight into a business account.

Account Insights Instagram

Insights Overview

When you further dig down Account Insights for a detailed insight you see an option named insights overview.

Insights Overview Instagram

In this feature of Instagram's business account, you can monitor things in detail like the reach of your content and how much is your engagement rate out of your total reach. 

If you want to further deep dig, you can see further details by clicking all these three options for a thorough detailed insight.

How to increase followers on Instagram

This is a million-dollar question asked by everyone how do increase the followers of your Instagram.

So, here are a few tips, by which we have grown up our Instagram and increased our followers.

First of all, consistency is the key. Now, this is a tip given to you by everyone but I am going to give you this tip from a different angle.

Being consistent will not going to increase your followers. Understand this with this example.

If you open a shop inside your home and no one knows about it can you expect any sales from your shop despite you having a well-maintained and decorated shop?

So, the science behind growing your Instagram account is hidden inside the fact that it will only grow if people know about it.

Try promoting your posts with Instagram ads. To receive a reward first you have to invest in that, firms can be different.

Make your content engaging and strong. See pages of your competitors how do they post on their pages and what people are liking on their pages and try to follow that.

After when you have created a few engaging posts, promote them with Instagram ads, people will give you a high response rate because your post is engaging.

Set an every months budget and spend a small amount on Instagram ads. By doing so you will see on a certain stage that now you don't need to promote your page and that your page now grows organically. It is million-dollar advice, no one going to give you. 

Thanks for reading this article.

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Jawwad Jalal

Blogger, Writer, English Teacher, YouTuber, Content Creator.

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