The Divine Lifestyle of a Traveling Mom Food Blogger

The Divine Lifestyle of a Traveling Mom Food Blogger

The life of a traveling mom food blogger sounds like it must be pretty magical, if you ask me! In reality, the best things in life are those that you make happen, even when the odds are stacked against you. 

If you’re wondering what it’s like to be a traveling mom food blogger and live the divine lifestyle, then this article is for you! It’s full of tips and insights from my experience with divine lifestyle travel food lifestyle mom blogger related topics. Enjoy!

How She Started Her Divine Lifestyle Traveling Mom Food Blog

I've always had an entrepreneurial spirit, which is partly why I decided to get started with blogging. Before that, I was just another working mom trying to make ends meet by freelancing on nights and weekends, doing everything from writing posts for other bloggers to doing social media management for small businesses. 

I think something about having my own little corner of cyberspace became a calling for me. One night over drinks with some fellow freelance friends, we all seemed to agree that running our own businesses allowed us more flexibility than many full-time jobs do—and even though it's still hard work—I couldn't agree more!

What She Does When Not Cooking

I don’t know if I could say that there’s anything in particular that inspires me. Maybe it’s just my general love for food or maybe it’s my innate adventurous spirit, but wherever I go, whatever I see, or whoever I meet always makes me hungry to experience more and taste new things. 

More than once have I taken chances on new restaurants and dishes when traveling simply because of an intense desire to try something new. Although these experiences haven’t always been great ones (it happens), for every risky choice made, there are also countless happy moments of discovery—things that make you feel like a kid again! 


Why She Starts Each Day At Breakfast

Yes, you read that right. Each morning my family and I sit down for breakfast together. We talk about what everyone did during their day, how each person is feeling, and any major plans for that day. It’s not a huge affair; it’s just something we do. This ritual allows us to spend time with one another without interruption or distraction—something important in an era when there are many competing demands on our time. 

My kids know they can count on me to be present at breakfast, which gives them confidence that they can come to me if they need anything throughout the day. And because we have these conversations while eating healthy food together (usually eggs), it sends a message that eating well is part of our daily routine. 

Why She Has Quit Her Job

The decision to become an entrepreneur is a big one, and it’s not an easy transition. One mom blogger decided to take a leap when she realized that she wasn’t as happy with her lifestyle as she had thought. Her career took up most of her time, so when she became pregnant with her first child, both motherhood and blogging were in full swing. 

It didn’t take long for her to discover that traveling on business was out of the question once her baby arrived; she was unable to leave him for extended periods of time. Rather than re-evaluate her career and stay home with baby, though, she started consulting on travel-focused projects during off hours from work. 

How She Manages Her Time

I’m careful to set my priorities, says Stacey. At first, it was all about working on my business and providing for my family. Now I try to spend at least an hour or two each day focused on myself, she adds. That means going out with friends, taking walks in nature and writing down things I’m grateful for. When you feel balanced, you have so much more energy to devote to others! 

Even if your time is limited, there are always little ways to take care of yourself. It doesn’t have to be elaborate—it could be as simple as treating yourself to your favorite tea while watching your favorite TV show! If that sounds indulgent, remember that every minute spent caring for yourself is a minute you can give back when you go out into the world again. Just remember: You deserve it.

How She Saves Money on Groceries

Here are some tips for saving money on groceries, dining out and drinks: *Plan your meals for a week at a time so you can stock up on food that's on sale. *Cook double batches of meals to freeze for later. *Stock up on kitchen staples when they're discounted; stock up even more if it's at a price you won't see again anytime soon (hello, Black Friday and Cyber Monday!). *Shop warehouse stores like Costco or Sam's Club where you'll get bulk discounts. 

Even with big orders like these, don't forget to use coupons or sales circulars when applicable! And stick to shopping lists! You'll save money by only buying what you need right now. 

Why Her Kids Are So Excited For Dinner

It’s 3 p.m. and your kids are starting to get hungry. How can you guarantee that when dinnertime comes around, they’ll actually be excited about what you made? When Diana Fong first became a mother, she was determined to take her love for food and put it into practice in her home kitchen, while also serving up meals that were just as delicious as they were healthy—after all, there’s no reason our children should have to miss out on any culinary pleasures! 

Notes on How to Start Your Own Blog

Starting your own website can sound pretty daunting. But you don’t need to know anything about coding or design to start a professional-looking, profitable site. In fact, many bloggers start out using free platforms such as Wordpress and Tumblr before moving on to sites that offer premium features for pay (like Divi). 

There are a number of different blogging niches available, so you can decide if you want to focus on fashion, sports, travel—or any other topic that’s of interest to you. Whether it’s through your own site or someone else’s, there are plenty of paid options for making money from your content and skill set. 

You can also make extra cash by joining affiliate programs with companies like Amazon and Google AdSense. 

For example, if you have a lot of Twitter followers, you could sell advertising space directly to brands and businesses. Or, use your Instagram account to promote products via affiliate links. To get started in blogging: Choose an appropriate domain name; Hire a designer; Get hosting; Decide on platform; Set up analytics/blog stats software; Set up social media accounts; Create editorial calendar/plan posts; Write posts.

PS: The above blog has been written for a motivation purpose only using a fictional character. Resemblance of the character to anyone will be merely a coincidence.

Jawwad Jalal

Blogger, Writer, English Teacher, YouTuber, Content Creator.

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