Eat Move Make Food Fitness Travel Lifestyle

Eat Move Make Food Fitness Travel Lifestyle

Keeping up your healthy lifestyle when you’re on the road can be difficult—but it doesn’t have to be. If you know how to travel healthily, staying fit and feeling great on vacation or work trips can be easy, no matter where you are in the world. In this article, we’ll cover everything from packing light for the flight and staying active in transit to snacking smart once you’ve arrived at your destination and finding healthy food options at your hotel and on the go.

Build-in as much exercise as possible

Try your best to get a quick workout in every time you’re away from home. If you’re flying, consider booking an aisle seat so you can get up every 30 minutes to do some walking during takeoff and landing. And if you’re staying in a hotel for more than one night, use your luggage as resistance weights. Just make sure you pack them light so you don’t have to call housekeeping to help you with a stack of suitcases!

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Pack protein snacks

The best snacks are ones that provide a balance of carbs, fat, and protein. To ensure you have enough fuel to get through your flight or long layover, pack protein-rich snacks like nuts or nut butter (ideally in single-serving packs), individual containers of hummus or bean dip, an apple with a little peanut butter or low-fat cheese sticks. A small snack with some carbs will also be your best friend when you're feeling hangry. Be sure to avoid goopy pre-packaged bars—they tend to taste more like dessert than breakfast.

Preplan meals

Preplanning your meals will make sure you don’t waste time wandering around an unfamiliar city looking for something to eat. If you’re traveling with a companion, get together beforehand to hash out meals. Also, talk about options in case of emergencies. Figure out how much time you’ll have to shop or buy food—and if that means you need to take along some snacks and breakfast items. Once you’ve got a game plan, stick to it. It might be tempting to try new restaurants and taste local specialties, but it can be easy to lose track of what you’ve eaten when eating out is such a big part of travel. Stick with your plan so you know exactly what went into your body each day. 

Go easy on yourself

You can’t control where you are or what you’re eating. You also can’t control how much time you have to work out. When it comes to working out while traveling, there isn’t a one size fits all approach that works. Focus on what you can do (i.e., take at least one break during your day to move around) rather than setting unrealistic expectations that are guaranteed to set you up for failure. Consider asking a friend or colleague to exercise with you as part of your team-building efforts—you'll be sure to stay motivated! The great thing about traveling is that it’s an opportunity for self-discovery.

Bring water bottles

Whether you’re traveling by plane or driving across state lines, packing a reusable water bottle is essential. The volume of liquid lost during travel can add up quickly and air travel dehydrates skin more than most forms of travel. We recommend carrying at least two large-capacity bottles of water—one with your favorite flavor enhancer (think Emergen-C packets) and one plain. You’ll stay hydrated while avoiding extra calories that come with sugary drink options at airports and gas stations. For added convenience, consider investing in a collapsible water bottle so it takes up less space in your bag. It's also important to pack snacks like nuts or dried fruit to keep you from feeling too hungry between meals.

Stay hydrated before travel

It’s easy to get dehydrated when traveling—from changing time zones to sitting in airports to being in a stuffy plane. Make sure you’re getting enough H2O before your trip. Sip water every couple of hours or bring some with you if you travel by car. When traveling by plane, request a drink menu at least 30 minutes before landing so that you can choose a beverage that will help rehydrate you (and keep clear liquids handy once you land). You can also prep meals at home beforehand to eat while traveling. Lean protein and fruits are great options because they’re easily portable and won’t spoil easily.

Don’t forget vitamins

We’re all about everything in moderation. Enjoy some wine with dinner—but don’t overdo it. Treat yourself to a small slice of cake at your favorite bakery—but stop there. Make sure you’re getting enough vitamins, especially if you plan to travel or will be going a long time without eating healthy foods. Be careful not to take too many vitamins; they can cause nausea or diarrhea if taken in large doses (or even if not taken in large doses). For example, an overdose of vitamin A can lead to blurred vision and skin rashes. And while we’re on the topic of travel ... international travel brings its own set of health concerns that you should be aware of before heading overseas. 

Get rest when you can

It’s easy to get overtired when you travel—after all, you don’t have your usual bedtime or exercise routine. Make sure to plan ahead and arrive at your destination rested and well-rested. If you’re sleep-deprived when you arrive, take it easy for a few days until you catch up with your body clock. It will pay off in spades! Taking catnaps during travel can also help stave off tiredness. Wear comfortable shoes: Anyone who travels knows that feeling of coming home with achy feet after walking miles during vacation.

Pack your gym bag early

Are you planning to take a trip soon? Start packing your workout gear early so that it doesn’t end up being a last-minute rush. (You don’t want to be that person sitting in front of their suitcase after dinner wondering where they packed their running shoes.) Pack your bag as if you were going to hit a yoga class or head to boot camp; pick out all of your exercise clothes, shoes, sports bras, and accessories at least 24 hours before leaving. It will give you time to see what outfits work best together and make sure you have everything you need.

Jawwad Jalal

Blogger, Writer, English Teacher, YouTuber, Content Creator.


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