The Power of Storytelling: Why Everyone Should Write a Narrative Essay

So you need to write an essay on your favourite book? What kind of essay? A narrative essay of course! What exactly is that? And how do you write it? These questions might be going through your head, but don’t fret because we have the answers to them all! So here we go, let’s dive right in and find out what this amazing type of essay has to offer us!

narrative essay

Narrative essays are powerful tools

You can use them to frame and support an argument, but you can also use them to simply tell a story about something that happened in your life. At their best, narrative essays are not so much about what happened as they are about why it happened or how it made you feel. 

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In other words, don’t limit yourself when writing narrative essays—tell stories that teach some lesson or other; tell stories for pure enjoyment and beauty, or tell stories because you want people to understand exactly what happened in your day-to-day life (and why). 

The goal is not just prose that flows well but writing that achieves its purpose, whether that’s convincing others to take action on an issue or telling stories just for fun and/or nostalgia's sake. If you have something important to say, consider telling it through a narrative essay. If you have nothing at all to say, consider telling a good story anyway! Whatever kind of essay you decide to write, remember that there are no right answers when it comes to storytelling. 

All great narratives come from different places and speak differently to different audiences. They might be short stories or long poems; they might be based on reality or total fiction; they might make readers laugh out loud or cry silently while reading alone under their blankets late at night. 

But one thing remains true across all kinds of narratives: If readers relate with them strongly enough, those readers will be able to see themselves in these narratives too—and perhaps even find lessons within these personal experiences worth sharing with others too!

What is a narrative essay?

A narrative essay is your story in words. A narrative is a kind of essay or short work that tells a story or shows how you feel about something, and it’s always told through personal anecdotes, personal experience and/or descriptive language. 

For example, if you wanted to describe what happened to you on your trip to Florida last summer, you could write an essay called My Trip to Florida or My Favorite Memories from Vacation. The more specific and detailed information you include in your writing, the more effective it will be.

How to write one

Make sure you have a good story to tell before writing one. This can be done by brainstorming possible situations or topics that may relate to your life experiences and finding one that you are most interested in sharing with others. 

Once you’ve found an interesting idea, think about how it’s going to relate to other aspects of your life and what emotions it will evoke (joy, pain, hope etc.) 

Finally, set some deadlines for yourself so that you know how much time is needed to complete it and make sure you schedule it into your daily routine! You never know where inspiration may come from... 

Examples of narrative essay

There are many reasons to write a narrative essay, but here are three reasons to consider if you’re not quite sure if it’s right for you. 

One reason is that storytelling is an important part of life. People enjoy being entertained by well-told stories, so it can be rewarding to share your story with others for their enjoyment and edification. 

Another reason is that writing about a memorable experience or emotion can help you process your thoughts and emotions on paper—and once they’re on paper, they’re easier to communicate elsewhere, too! It also means you may be able to move forward from a challenging event more easily as well. 

Finally, some people find that writing a narrative essay helps them learn more about themselves and what makes them tick. By analyzing what went into creating a memory or how they felt in response to something, you might be able to better understand yourself in new ways.

Jawwad Jalal

Blogger, Writer, English Teacher, YouTuber, Content Creator.

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