The Wonders of Using Aloe Vera Gel: A Natural Cure-All

use of aloe vera gel

Many people are familiar with the health benefits of aloe vera gel, but few know the full extent of its uses or the properties that make it such an effective natural cure-all. First and foremost, aloe vera gel contains large amounts of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, and E along with several essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron. It also possesses antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help heal wounds quickly while stimulating skin cell regeneration so your body heals at optimal speed.

9 Benefits of Using Aloe Vera

You probably have some aloe vera gel in your medicine cabinet—but do you know what else it can be used for? Not only is aloe effective at soothing sunburns, but also it’s great at aiding with digestion and inflammation. So next time you apply a fresh aloe leaf to a burn, remember that aloe gel isn’t just limited to topical use. The following are 9 different ways you can use aloe vera for self-care and holistic healing.

Great for Hair

Aloe vera gel is a natural moisturizer that can help prevent and treat hair loss. If you want to grow thicker, healthier hair or prevent hair from thinning and falling out, try rubbing aloe vera on your scalp daily before you shampoo. You’ll notice increased shine and less frizziness within weeks. 

Use about 1 tablespoon of pure aloe vera gel to 1 tablespoon of water, then apply it to your scalp every morning before showering. The best time to do so is after a workout; blood flow increases while you exercise, which brings nutrients—including those that are necessary for healthy hair growth—to your follicles. Massaging it into your scalp allows those nutrients to sink in quickly and get to work repairing damaged strands or encouraging new growth.

Good for Skin

In addition to using aloe gel for minor burns, you can also use it as a great skin moisturizer. It's packed with vitamins and minerals that keep your skin healthy and glowing without clogging pores or making you greasy. It's hypoallergenic and won't cause rashes or irritation, even on sensitive skin types. 

You can find aloe gel in almost any supermarket and a little goes a long way! Simply smooth it onto clean skin every morning before your makeup routine.

Keeps Blood Sugar Levels Down

In a study, mice with diabetes were fed aloe vera gel. The results showed that aloe vera helped regulate blood sugar levels in mice with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes—although more so in type 2 than in type 1. 

In humans, researchers haven’t found as much promise, but at least one study on rats has shown some positive effects for patients with uncontrolled diabetes. Clearly, more research is needed! But for now, if you have diabetes, we recommend incorporating aloe into your diet or skincare routine. After all, it's good to know that even though it might not be a magical can still help!

Treats Digestive Issues

One common use for aloe vera gel is to treat digestive issues like constipation, diarrhea, colitis, and heartburn. By reducing inflammation in your digestive tract, you can feel more at ease when it comes to eating. 

Furthermore, it’s a great way to help repair damaged intestines from conditions like celiac disease or IBS. It also reduces bloating associated with these conditions and can even alleviate nausea that sometimes comes along with them. Take it before meals for optimal results.

Relieves Pain

Just like gel and liquid forms, aloe vera can be applied directly to rashes, cuts, and burns to reduce discomfort. Rubbing or spreading it on your skin will help relieve pain. It may not work as quickly as most over-the-counter medications do, but after a few minutes of application, you’ll likely find relief. 

Keep in mind that too much aloe vera can burn your skin so don’t apply more than necessary and make sure you use it often enough that you never have to worry about irritation!

Reduces Swelling

It’s no surprise that aloe vera gel is a natural remedy for reducing swelling. When applied topically, aloe vera can help reduce skin inflammation and itching. As an anti-inflammatory agent, it’s one of many natural products that could provide relief for those suffering from autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis. 

For added benefits, purchase 100% pure aloe vera gel with at least 500 milligrams per gram of organic polysaccharides—it will go further in your skincare regimen than other extracts and has been shown to reduce inflammation most effectively. 

Improves Oral Health

Have you ever bitten into an apple or used chewing gum and wondered why your mouth tastes so fresh? Well, it’s not magic, but rather aloe vera gel. Not only does it help stop bad breath and even whiten teeth, but it can also heal mouth sores caused by smoking. It can also be used to treat cold sores more quickly than many over-the-counter remedies.

Repairs Damaged Nails and Cuticles

The vitamin E found in aloe vera gel works wonders on weak and damaged nails. Plus, unlike many commercial nail treatments, you can use aloe gel every day without worrying about it drying out your nails. 

Simply rub a small amount into each nail and cuticle daily for strong and healthy nails that you can be proud of. (Pro tip: For best results, try applying aloe first thing in the morning before any other products.)

Naturally Fights Infections and Viruses

Because it has anti-inflammatory properties, aloe vera gel can be used to treat fungal and bacterial infections. Simply apply a thin layer of gel directly onto warts or other skin infections daily for several weeks until they’ve cleared up. 

You can also gargle with diluted aloe vera juice to fight off a sore throat, mouth ulcers, and gum disease; simply soak an oral swab in some aloe vera juice and hold it in your mouth for 10 minutes twice a day until symptoms clear up.

Jawwad Jalal

Blogger, Writer, English Teacher, YouTuber, Content Creator.

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