Essay on Health is Wealth

Health is a blessing from Allah. Health is something which can never be ignored in any case because without health you cannot do anything in this world.

It is said health is wealth for a reason because you can buy anything with wealth but not health. Ask the importance of health to someone who do not have it and ready to pay anything to get it back.

If you want to do anything in life, you have aims and goals in life, so the first thing you need to do to achieve your aims is being health. If, you cannot even getup of your bed due to some injury or chronic pain then how would you even achieve your aims.

So, being healthy is one of the most important things in life. You should take all the supplement and foods which are necessary to keep you healthy like taking a glass of milk daily keep your bones strong. By taking vegetables and fruits in your daily diet keeps you healthy as well. You need to walk daily in the Morning and if possible running is a better way because in today’s era of technology everything is available to us on finger tips which really has reduced our movements. Doing necessary exercises and stretches can keep your muscles in movement and really helpful in keeping yourself fit.


Being healthy is such a good feeling that it also keeps your mood happier and reduces depression as well. It is not only important for your physical health but mentally as well. The more you are mentally happy the more workable you are and you can do that much hard work to achieve your goals.

So all and all, health is a blessing once lost can be completely regained. So, take care of your health and do whatever is necessary to remain healthy as it is one of the most important things in your life.

Jawwad Jalal

Blogger, Writer, English Teacher, YouTuber, Content Creator.

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