Namaz is the key to success. It is not only a saying but a truth of this universe. Without Namaz there is neither present life nor eternal. With Namaz Allah (S.W.T) gives peace to our hearts. A person who is habitual of offering five times Namaz a day cannot live in peace without offering it. When a person is habitual of offering five times namaz it becomes a part of his life and he cannot be in peace without Namaz then.

Essay on Importance of Namaz in Life

Namaz is one of the five obligatory pillars of Islam. Namaz is a religious duty which one has to offer at any cost five times a day. There are relaxations in the styles of offering of Namaz if someone is sick or physically challenged etc, but to skip Namaz is not an option in Islam.

Before Namaz ablution (wuzu) is compulsory in a way that is defined in Islam. Muslims have to offer five times Namaz which are Fajar, Zohar, Asar, Magrib and Isha. Fajar is before sunrise, Zohar in the afternoon, Asar in the evening, Magrib near sunset and Isha late evening.

There are more kinds of Namaz which are on two Eid Festivals, Namaz-e-Janaza on funeral of a Muslim, Namaz-e-Jumma in the afternoon of each Friday in place of Zohar.


By Namaz we come closer to Allah (S.W.T) and have an opportunity to directly pray to Him and pray with more focus and spiritual feeling.

Offering Namaz as one unit in a mosque behind Imam gives a message to the whole world. When we offer Namaz, we stand in a firm row, shoulder to shoulder, no priority to anyone on the other. Poor and rich stand in one row and offer Namaz behind Imam. It gives a message to the whole world that Muslim community is united.

Without Namaz a Muslim is incomplete and cannot find peace in his life. And to be successful in this world and eternal life Namaz is the key to success.

Jawwad Jalal

Blogger, Writer, English Teacher, YouTuber, Content Creator.

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