Abstract Noun | What is an Abstract Noun - The Learning Art

Abstract Noun | What is an Abstract Noun

Abstract Nouns | What is an Abstract Noun


An abstract noun is a noun that is intangible like emotion, idea, feeling, quality etc.

In other words, an abstract noun is a noun that is not physical or a noun that you cannot see, feel, hear, touch or smell.

Examples of Abstract Noun













In view of the above definitions and examples, we have come to a conclusion that abstract nouns are those things which are intangible and human senses cannot feel them physically. For example, a rose is an example of concrete noun because it can be touched, seen, felt, tasted and smelt, however, the fragrance of rose is an example of abstract noun because fragrance is intangible and cannot be physically felt by any of the five human senses.

Identify Abstract Nouns

  1. Muhammad Ali is an honest person.
  2. Her knowledge on this topic is vast.
  3. I could not express my happiness after watching my mother after three years.
  4. Her favourite sweet dish is banana custard.
  5. The victory of Muhammad Bin Qasim made him the man of history.
  6. Education should be the first priority for children.
  7. She gave me some good advice.
  8. She was in grief over the death of her pet.
  9. It always puts her at peace.
  10. Speed thrills but kills.


  1. honest
  2. knowledge
  3. happiness
  4. favourite
  5. victory
  6. education, priority
  7. advice
  8. grief
  9. peace
  10. speed

Types of Noun

    1) Common Nouns

    2) Proper Nouns

    3) Concrete Nouns

    4) Abstract Nouns

    5) Compound Nouns

    6) Collective Nouns

    7) Material Nouns

    8) Possessive Nouns

    9) Countable Nouns

    10) Uncountable Nouns

Jawwad Jalal

Blogger, Writer, English Teacher, YouTuber, Content Creator.

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