What is a Common Noun | Common Noun - Definition and Examples

Common Nouns | What is a Common Noun - Definition and Examples

Common Nouns


The name of a person, place or thing that is generic or not specific is known as common noun.


woman, teacher, table, stapler, park, country, love, hate, respect etc


In other words, common nouns are the names of general items rather than specific ones.

For Example, if a person is advised to visit a doctor for consultancy, so he has not been advised which doctor exactly he needs to visit. He has been advised to visit a doctor in general.

When we are discussing nouns in general, they are referred as common nouns.

Common Nouns are Lowercased:

Common nouns do not start with a capital letter unless they begin a sentence.

For example:

  1. Woman is running on the road. (Woman is a common noun. However, the first letter is capitalized because it begins the sentence.)
  2. There is one woman in the room. (In this sentence, common noun is not capitalized since it does not begin the sentence.)
  3. I have a laptop and a console.

Types of Noun

    1) Common Nouns

    2) Proper Nouns

    3) Concrete Nouns

    4) Abstract Nouns

    5) Compound Nouns

    6) Collective Nouns

    7) Material Nouns

    8) Possessive Nouns

    9) Countable Nouns

    10) Uncountable Nouns


Jawwad Jalal

Blogger, Writer, English Teacher, YouTuber, Content Creator.

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