Proper Noun - Definition and Examples

Proper Nouns


Proper nouns are the names of specific person, place, thing or idea.


In other words, while a common noun is a noun that is generic or unspecific like country or city, proper noun is specific like United Sates or New York. In proper nouns we know about which noun we are actually discussing about.

Proper Nouns begin with a Capital Letter

When using a Proper Noun, always capitalize the first letter, no matter whether it begins a sentence or comes in the middle, proper nouns’ first letters are always capitalized.

Examples of Proper Nouns as Persons:

I like singers. (Common noun)

Ali Zafar is an amazing singer. (Proper noun)

Examples of Proper Nouns as Places:

Let’s go to the park. (Common noun)

Let’s go to the Olympic National Park. (Proper noun)

Examples of Proper Nouns as Things:

I like cold drink. (Common noun)

I like Coca Cola. (Proper noun)

Examples of Proper Nouns as Ideas:

I follow a religion. (Common noun)

Islam is the best religion. (Proper noun)

Difference of Common Nouns and Proper Nouns with Examples

As we have discussed at length that common nouns are nouns that are generic, let’s understand the difference with a few examples as well.

We were curious to visit a museum, so we visited PAF Museum.

(In the above example museum is a common noun while PAF Museum is a proper noun)

I want to eat a chocolate, get me a Dairy Milk.

(Chocolate is a common noun while Dairy Milk a proper noun.

I enjoy reading novels, but Dr. Faustus is the best I have ever read.

(novels common noun, Dr. Faustus proper noun)


Identify Proper Nouns

Last week, I went to Florida and Georgia.

Go and see a doctor. (No proper noun in the sentence)

Margaret made me a cake.

She made me a Strawberry Cake.

Fruits and vegetables are good for health.

Dr. Ali is my physician.

The name of my cat is Suru.

On Sunday, I bought a few pencils, a sharpener and a stationary kit.

I went to Karachi Gym on Monday.

Please open a window in the room.


Strawberry Cake


Dr. Ali



Karachi, Monday


Types of Noun

    1) Common Nouns

    2) Proper Nouns

    3) Concrete Nouns

    4) Abstract Nouns

    5) Compound Nouns

    6) Collective Nouns

    7) Material Nouns

    8) Possessive Nouns

    9) Countable Nouns

    10) Uncountable Nouns

Jawwad Jalal

Blogger, Writer, English Teacher, YouTuber, Content Creator.

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