Possessive Nouns | What are Possessive Nouns? - The Learning Art

Possessive Nouns | What are Possessive Nouns? - The Learning Art

possessive nouns

Look at the following examples.

  • This is Margaret's pencil.
  • This is Ali's toy.
  • Sunny's Maths teacher teaches really well.
All the words with apostrophe are possessive nouns.


A noun that shows ownership or relationship is a possessive noun.

For Example:

  • The dog's biscuits.
In the above example, the sign of apostrophe shows that the biscuits belong to one dog.

Rules to form a Possessive Noun:

  • possessive noun always comes before the noun that belongs to it.
        Seema's bag.

        The word Seema's is the possessive noun.

  • We add an 's to make a singular noun possessive.
        Girl's    Cat's    Ali's

  • To make a plural noun ending in s, we add only an apostrophe (') to make it possessive.
        Boys' shirts        Dogs' biscuits        Girls' dresses

  • We add an 's to a plural noun, that does not end in s to make it possessive.
        The women's make up room.
        Children's play area.

Use of Possessive Nouns in Sentences

  • My mother's bag is made of leather.
  • We have bought our dog's biscuits from a duty free shop.
  • Sana's cat is black but cute.
  • The gentlemen's meeting has started.
  • Their wives' jewellery were all stolen in the party.
  • My brother's laptop is very expensive.

Types of Noun

    1) Common Nouns

    2) Proper Nouns

    3) Concrete Nouns

    4) Abstract Nouns

    5) Compound Nouns

    6) Collective Nouns

    7) Material Nouns

    8) Possessive Nouns

    9) Countable Nouns

    10) Uncountable Nouns

Jawwad Jalal

Blogger, Writer, English Teacher, YouTuber, Content Creator.

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